da Vinci Robotic Surgery

da Vinci Robotic Surgery

The da Vinci® surgical system gives your surgeon an advanced set of instruments to use in performing robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery. The term “robotic” often misleads people. Robots don’t perform surgery. Your surgeon performs surgery with da Vinci by using instruments that he or she guides via a console.

The da Vinci system translates your surgeon’s hand movements at the console in real time, bending and rotating the instruments while performing the procedure. The tiny wristed instruments move like a human hand, but with a greater range of motion. The da Vinci vision system also delivers highly magnified, 3D high-definition views of the surgical area. The instrument size makes it possible for surgeons to operate through one or a few small incisions.

The da Vinci System is a sophisticated robotic platform designed to expand the surgeon's capabilities and offer a minimally invasive option for major surgeries. The da Vinci System overcomes the limitations of both traditional open surgery and conventional minimally invasive surgery.

The System cannot be programmed and it cannot make decisions on its own. The da Vinci System requires that every surgical maneuver be performed with direct input from your Surgeon.

The benefits of using the da Vinci Robotic Surgical System over more traditional surgical methods are many. Patients experience less pain, less blood loss, less risk of infection, shorter hospital stays and a faster recovery period. Benefits to surgeons include greater precision and improved dexterity to enhanced views of the surgical sites and more.

Schedule Your Robotic Surgery Treatment

Call 713.272.7600 or fill out our contact form to schedule your robotic surgery treatment or consultation.