Hair Restoration With PRP

Hair Restoration

Derived from each patient’s own blood, hair restoration with PRP involves injections of platelet rich plasma directly into the vascular layer of the scalp. In a simple technique, taking less than an hour in the office, a fuller, thicker head of hair and decrease further hair loss can be restored – all without surgery or prescription medications.

Hair loss can be embarrassing for both men and women, taking a significant toll on confidence and self-esteem. Sometimes referred to as male and female pattern baldness, this genetic problem can leave dire consequences. Hair thinning, and loss can happen to almost anyone. More than 35 million men and 20 million women are struggling with hair loss on their head. While products such as over-the-counter shampoos and prescription drugs are available to help, these are expensive and carry the risk of unwanted side-effects, and at best offer inconsistent results. Some people opt for hair transplant surgery, which to a certain subset of hairless patients is a good alternative, however it can be extremely expensive and time consuming. Due to these restraints, those experiencing hair loss and thinning are left feeling helpless.

PRP To Increase Hair Growth

The unique properties of PRP create an affordable and easy way to improve thinning hair, increasing thickness and density while decreasing future hair loss. Without surgery or harmful medications, Dr. Ambani’s PRP technique can improve hair loss along the scalp, creating more voluminous, flowing hair. Without side-effects or serious risks, PRP takes less than an hour in the office and requires no downtime. Best of all, with proper maintenance, the results from PRP for hair loss can last for years to come.

PRP for Hair Regrowth Will:
  • Increase blood supply to the target hair follicle
  • Thicken the hair by increasing the hair-shaft size
  • Encourage hair to reach and maintain the ‘growth phase’
  • Diminish further hair loss

The PRP is a concentration of platelets and plasma, with high levels of crucial growth factors. These growth factors signal the regeneration of new hair. Once injected into the target area, the hair follicles are stimulated, taking them out of the dormant resting phase (when they are not growing). When the follicles transition back into the important growth phase, you ultimately get thicker, dense, fuller head of hair.

Many women deal with hair loss after pregnancy and other hormonal changes. Their bodies never quite get back to their normal, this includes their hair. Particularly losing more hair than normal during showers or with brushing.

The Hair Restoration with PRP Procedure:

Each PRP procedure is performed at one of our comfortable treatment rooms. Depending on the patient’s needs, each session typically takes less than an hour. The PRP treatment is considered mildly painful as there may be some degree of sensitivity along the scalp. To begin, a sampling of blood is drawn from the arm, in an amount similar to that of standard blood work. Next, using a unique centrifuge, the blood is separated from the platelets and plasma. In a few minutes, the PRP is ready to be reinjected. The concentrated platelets are drawn up into a syringe and is strategically placed using a tiny needle along the target areas of the scalp.

Initially, a series of approximately three to four hair rejuvenation treatments are required, spaced a month apart. Once optimal results have been achieved, maintenance PRP sessions will need to be scheduled every six months. When PRP treatments are stopped, the results will fade. A thorough explanation of the expected results and necessary follow-up appointments will be discussed during the consultation.

PRP Recovery and Results:

No downtime is necessary after a PRP treatment. Patients are comfortable returning to their daily activities such as work, school, or exercise. Showering is permitted on the same day, as well. However, no hair dye or chemicals should be used on the hair for at least 48 hours. Before you leave the office, Dr. Ambani will carefully review the instructions for a safe PRP recovery, going over any specific skincare recommendations.

Immediately after a PRP session, the skin may be mildly swollen and red. Bruising and pinpoint bleeding are common. However, the side-effects from each session are extremely mild and generally resolve over the first several days. More serious complications, such as scarring or nerve damage, is rare.

The benefits of PRP can be seen in just a few months. When beginning treatment for hair loss, Dr. Ambani may suggest repeat sessions once a month for several treatments. After the initial treatment, a maintenance session will be needed about two times a year. Once these PRP sessions are stopped, the results will fade, as the hair will once again rotate out of the growth stage. However, with routine PRP sessions at Ambani Center for OBGYN & Aesthetics, the hair can look fuller and thicker for years to come.

Schedule Your Hair Restoration With PRP Treatment

Call 713.272.7600 or fill out our contact form to schedule your hair restoration with PRP treatment or consultation.